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wiLEARN PROJECT NEWS  | Your donations to wiLearn 4 Life  registered charitable organisation are tax deductible - order Nr. 19/10540

Kajiado Mobile Learning Project - Kickstart January 2024   - wiLearn Donors enable new investment of 1.5 Million Kenya Shillings for digital education of 2000 Learners in 5 Schools - wiLearn Kenya - your mobile learning partner - join us and donate directly via Mpesa  +254 792271020 -

A DAY WITH "DADDY" MULLI | 13. July 2023,  Ndalani, Kenya
and a plan to collaborate on digital learning for his 900 children in Ndalani.
Elia my son, Victor and myself had an amazing encounter with Dr. Charles Mulli, a humble father of the largest family on earth. Himself abandoned by his parents and roaming the streets he rose to a successful businessmen who walks by faith and teaches by example. God called him to resuce abandoned children because he understands, that every child has a talent to grow! Today Dr. Mulli is loveingly called "Daddy" by thousands of once homeless, hopeless and rejected children that the Mulli family rescued from the gutters. Over 600 of their children go to school at MCF and Daddy thinks its time that they get exposed to digital learning the way that wiLearn has presented the mobile library.Our wilearn team would be so excited to become part of this amazing journey as we are awaiting the first the deliver of our moLLi case.  Film Recommendation Mully-the World's largest family!
wiLearn CAP SSD Server Landed in Benin 11/2019
The first wiLearnCAP  (Content Access Point) that was equipped with 1TB SSD and  set up in french language arrived safely in Natitingou, Benin. The request came from the professional training center - CFL - Centre de Formation Liweitari. We are excited to support Heini Roth and his team who celebrated the 10 year anniversary on 16. Nov 2019. Read more ...  
A  Kenya Government led Youth Program has opened the opportuntiy to integrate 3 interns in our project at no extra cost. Roland from wiLearn issued a crash course for up to 10 interns teaching them the caretaking and use of wiLLi and Tabea. Grace practiced for the first time to set up a projector for class.  After the short training the interns were assigned to give teacher support during blended learning classes.
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South Sudan Education Crisis 11/2019
“We cannot leave children behind.  They are the future of South Sudan,”  said Sardar Umar Alam, UNESCO’s Representative to South Sudan.  “This is  a call to action. We must work together – everyone including the  government, civil society and development partners – to urgently support  and invest in teachers and getting children into schools.”
wiLearn 4 Life
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Phone-Whatsapp: +41 76 215 09 63
Email: | Skype: rodiwv
PC-Konto 84-3431-5

Donations made for wiLearn 4 Life are tax deductable in Switzerland (Tax Office Canton ZH, Order Nr. 19/10540)

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