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Growing knowledge and awareness among the Maasai community  living inside the Selenkay conservancy is at the heart of the latest join venture between the Gamewatchers Safaris, the PD Foundation and wiLearn 4 Life.
On the 22. March 2021 the Smart Learning team initiated the KickOff Meeting of the Smart learning project. Present were dignitaries and representatives from the Lenkisem and Ilorirero communities, Schools Boards, County Administration Authorities, Chiefs, Womens groups and the Catholic Church who offered to host the event and the succeeding workshop.  


The communities and schools have woken up and craving for mobile learning. The Maasai elders and parents see the true opportunties in distance learning programs as they wish their children to profit from it. At the first opportuntiy after the project KickOff event they accessed the digital library platform and entusiastically longed to join the upcoming workshop. The Smart Learning tools incited their imagination so quickyl that several community members requested assistance to buy their own tablet PC's. Their main concern has been to connect all the family members in their homestead  with the vital edcuation library information which has become the driving force to find digital gadgets they could buy. Wihtin the project area we plan to come up with a fair offer in conjunction with a Nairobi outlet. At the cost of approximately 2 goats many Maasai families can afford a Phablet (tabelt with phone capability) which is a great new investment opportunity for them.

"Whatever you learn is safe and sustainable for a lifetime - it can never be stolen from the individual"



We strive to inlcude all children and adults in the Selenkay conservancy to gain access to Smart Learning libraries and education content. They shall be empowered to read, understand and master basic writing and mathematics.  They will develop 21st Centruy learning skills and digital media competence through regular use of the education library and smart learning practice. Free access shall enable, empower and enhance the self-oriented learning skills of teachers, learners and the communityies in the project area.

There are more conservancy school children that are waiting for a partnership or a sponsor. Interested?
Our projects are modular and scalable to fit your committment.  Please contact wiLearn or Gamewatchers for further opportunties!


SBCC has Land in sight
When our school received notice to leave the rented school property we did turn to God, asking for help. We were looking around for an new home for our 148 marginlized children from the Dandora dump site.
Published by RD - 14/6/2023
KickOff Selenkay Smart Learning Community Project
A new effort to a joint effort in translating the Competency Based Curriculm of Kenya into the Smart Learning community action.
Published by Roland - 13/4/2021


Thanks to the generous support and partnership this edcuation empowerment program can take place with local expertise, supervision and dedication:

Gamewatchers Safaris

The eco tourism company was founded by Jake Grieves-Cook over 30 years ago to protect the world heritage Kenya wildlife in a unique conservation model that quickly became a global standard. The win-win model integrates the needs of the local communities, the protection and conservation of wildlife, as well as the biodiversity and eco-tourism. Adopt an acre is the latest initiative for supporters to lease the Maasai land for conservation purposes and offer the communities an alternative income source to their traditional game hunting and large scale cattle breeding. For more information visit their Website

PD Foundation

An education project in the midst of nature conservation area is the latest investment of the passionate founder Peter Diethelm and his family foundation. For decades he has been a leader in the toursim sector in East Africa. This Smart Learning project is part of the foundations strategy to invest in Family, Health and Education programs in a sustainable way. The foundations prime goal is to make a significant impact in the lifes of disadvantaged people by empowering them with good health, knowledge, and lifeskills to leave poverty behind and choose their own path in life. Over time the foundation has been engaged in a variety of charitable projects in Kenya, India, Sri Lanka and the UK.  
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