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When compassion leads to courage and committment poverty and injustice can be overcome and good things begin to happen. Diana Jomo, herself a Kindergarden teacher from Western Kenya, came to Nairobi in January 2006 and later joined Donna Hills college for a Diploma in Early Childhood Education and development (E.C.D.) a two year course. While doing her research project Diana came face to face with the suffering children from Dandora searching for food on the biggest dumpside in Africa. Where toxic fumes from industrial, medicinal and houshold waste are a permanent hazard to the dump pickers and the environment Diana was exposed to unworthy and outright dangereous living condition.  "Who cares, if not me?" went through her mind and with great courage and the little she had she made plans to care for the most vulnerables at the dump site. Diana decided to create a safe haven away from the dangerous sites by providing love, care, food, life skills and an education to meet the most pressing needs of the suffering kids. To follow her passion she founded the St. Benedict Community Center a community based organisation registred with the Kenya Government.


per day is the foundation of Child health
and learning outcomes!


The provision of regular education has been a logical step in rehabilitating the kids. In January 2021 Diana approached wiLearn 4 Life and asked for support to create a  quality learning environment with digital education resources. wiLearn has the expertise to establish a digital education library for children and community of all ages to access quality edcuation media. The self - paced mobile learning with Smart Phones is ideal to catch up with classes that children have missed in survival mode.

Thanks to the compassionate and committed support of Fernfachhochschule Schweiz (FFHS) the project could be started on 31. March 2021!
St. Benedict Community Center who cares for the wellbing of children from the Dandora Dumpsite currently provides school meals to assure health ans survival for the kids. Their full growth and learning potential can only be reached with sufficient food! Any support helps!



St.Benedict Community Center  (SBCC) wants all children and youth in our care to be able to read, understand and master basic writing and mathematics.  We prepare them to gain 21st Century learning skills and digital media competence through regular practice and use of the wiLearn education library. The free access shall enable, empower and enhance the self-oriented learning skills of teachers, learners and the community at large.


The key effect of school closures goes far beyond the lack of academic and learning gaps but it affects the primary health of the children. School meals are no longer provided for the children of poor housholds. They go hungry and scavenge for food at the dangerous dumpsite of Dandora. This are some of the detrimental longterm side effects of Government lockdown measures hitting the youngest children the hardest! Their growth potential is diminishing and so is their learning capacity.  
Kenya National School Meals and Nutrition Strategy 2017-2022 outlines the importance of supplement food to assure Child health.

Only properly nourished children are able to learn and develop their full potential. This critical element is often overlooked during the pandemic and creates great harm among the impoverished children. Their growth is primarily hindered by the lack of sufficient and noutrishous food!
We urgently call for your support of the Dandora education program that includes the basic school meals. Under Lockdown and beyond St. Benedicts Community Center needs to buy food for daily school meals to over 280 children attending classes.

With 200.00 USD / month you can sustain 100 children who entirely depend on the school meals.
100% of your donation marked "School Meals" will be transferred to Kenya to buy food for the school meals programs.  
Donate Now!


Giving with a lasting IMPACT

  • Digital Learning
  • 48 Android tablets for class integration |   180 CHF each
  • 1 Teacher training eLearning  | 160 CHF
  • 1 Laptop for teachers and library admin |  600 CHF
  • 1 server software licence Grade 1 to Grade 8 | 600 CHF
  • wiLearn Tech Support |  500 CHF

  • Continuous SBCC Needs
  • Monthly School Meals at SBCC | 200 CHF
  • Monhtly Staff Salary | 200 CHF
  • Classroom Rent - Monthly | 120 CHF

  • 96'000 USD Construction SBCC Child Care Center
  • 11'500 USD Child Care Center Equipment and Furniture
  • 8'400 USD Digital Learning Classrooms

Education is the key to success
wiLearn 4 Life
Zürcherstr. 36
8426 Lufingen
Raiffeisenbank Zürich Airport
CHF  IBAN CH86 8080 8007 3148 8786 6
USD  IBAN CH26 8080 8002 1528 6662 1
SWIFT-BIC: RAIFCH22E74 | BC-Nr. 81474

© Copyright 2018 wiLearn 4 Life is a registred charity in Switzerland - all rights reserved
Phone-Whatsapp: +41 76 215 09 63
Email: | Skype: rodiwv
PC-Konto 84-3431-5

Donations made for wiLearn 4 Life are tax deductable in Switzerland (Tax Office Canton ZH, Order Nr. 19/10540)

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