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Head Humanitarian Aid WV Switzerland
Roland Diethelm
Founder & CEO
+41 76 215 09 63

"My passion is to discover  the creative MAKERS and to empower them with mobile learning skills and digital offline libraries"
Roland is a federally certified Electrician, Commercial Pilot and Training Captain, with extended experience in Operations Management in the international aviation industry. Through his calling as a missionary pilot with MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) he gained over 10 years of valuable Afrika experience. He had the priviledge to support countless humanitarian missions and development projects accross southern and eastern Africa.
After various management positions as well as a trustee of a Charitable Organisation he began working as a country program manager for World Vision Switzerland. He attended post graduate studies on international development at the ETH Zürich, was promoted as team leader to manage the longterm development programs for World Vision Switzerland in 19 countries on 4 continents. He also engaged in project fundraisng and in 2017 began the development of the department for  Humanitarian Aid.
In 2018 Roland founded the charitable association wiLearn 4 Life registred in Switzerland to focus on mobile learning solutions for underserved offline communities in Africa.

Head Humanitarian Aid WV Switzerland
Victor Malombe
IT Spezialist, wiLearn Kenia Rep.
+254 719 481 699

„The work with wiLearn has enriched my life. The projects in several countries have given me new cultural experiences and friendships. I am glad to make a significant impact in taking competence based education reform and accessible EdTech to marginalized communities in Africa.
Victor is a software engineer with a Master of Science in Information Systems Security degree from Strathmore University, Nairobi where he studied and worked at @iLabAfrica research center for several years. At the end of 2021 Victor decided to become a self employed IT consultant and entrepreneur and engaged in several IT startup companies. In January 2022 Victor agreed to work on time limited project mandates for wiLearn 4 Life and thus became our trusted wiLearn representative in Kenya. Victor is our service and support person who produces the solar driven library kits and instructs teachers and learners in the wiLearn projects how to use the equipment responsibly. His mandate as a software specialist secures our technical support and development in our projects in Kenya, Zimbabwe and South Sudan.

Head Humanitarian Aid WV Switzerland
Marina Barisic
Finance Administration
+41 78 728 01 23

„I am excited to volunteer, because I can make a lasting contribution to life changing education projects in Africa“
Marina studied Businessadministration. She is Chief Operation Officer and Assistant to the Board of Management at Johnson & Stuber AG for Wealth management. She is responsible for administration, HR and compliance. In her career path she was working in finance accounting and real estate.
As a volunteer Marina brings professional talent into our charity office. Her studies at  FFHS were focussed on transparency among Non Profit Organisation in accordance with the GAP FER 21 accounting standards.
ICT Expert & Teacher
Social Management - Counselling
Daniel Kast

„I am fascinated by the potential of digital learning labs to provide hope for a better future for children in the most challenging environments“

Daniel's past includes a childhood in England and Germany, vocational training in Switzerland, missionary training in New Zealand and India, professional work in Norway, Liechtenstein, Australia, New Zealand and the USA.
From 1999 to 2020, Daniel worked in various IT positions for World Vision Switzerland and World Vision International, before assuming a position as Head of IT at EXPERTsuisse, the "Swiss Expert Association for Audit, Tax and Fiduciary" in 2020.

During his years with World Vision, Daniel grew more and more interested in combining his background as primary teacher and his day-to-day work in the digital realm. He's fascinated at the possibilities a RACHEL server can give to a disconnected community. In 2016, Daniel travelled to Lesotho with his wife where he upgraded a computer lap in a mission station school with 550 middle and high school students. Later in 2018, Lesotho's first RACHEL server was introduced to the teachers and students in this school.
Christine Diethelm
+41 76 488 11 36

“My passion is to perceive people as a whole, to meet them on eye-level and to promote them as individuals.”
Christine is a Coach and Counselor and has given much value to continuously further her knowledge in all areas concerning her field of work. For many years she was able to invest and further her competences by working with peoples from different cultural backgrounds in the environment of churches and as workplace counselor.
While working for more than 10 years with the NGO Mission Aviation Fellowship in different countries and acting as board member for different NGOs for almost 20 years, her fascination, curiousity and love for peoples with different cultural, professional and personal views and has grown.
Since 2015 Christine works for the Stiftung Sozialwerk Pfarrer Sieber and is in charge of the Gassencafé Sunestube, where men and women in difficult social circumstances find a place of fellowship, hospitality and support. At the same time she is studying at the Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz where she aims to graduate with a MAS in Social Management.

Yvonne Rüegg
Pedagogy, Training & Arts

It is my passion to discover and encourage people in their potential and let them explore new ways for their lives

Yvonne is a high school teacher and has taught both in Switzerland and in South Africa. Since her youth she has devoted herself in the art field and exhibited internationally. She continued her education at the University of the Arts in Zurich and graduated with a MAS in cultural analysis and education.

From 2013 to 2020 she was repeatedly in Cape Town for longer terms, where she managed an artist in Residence with an appropriate program. As part of the project, she worked as project manager / curator with the cantons, the SDC and the South African embassy in Switzerland and the Swiss embassy in South Africa. She recently helped set up a primary school in rural Zimbabwe. She is married to a Zimbabwean and has two children.
ICT Expert & Teacher

Head Humanitarian Aid WV Switzerland
Valerie Gateaux
+41 79 401 53 74

Graduated in Business Administration, Valerie is a seasoned Finance leader who has worked for several multinational corporations in the healthcare industry at the director’s level. As independent auditor of our organization she checks the annual financial affaris with much experience in financial reporting, project controlling, risk management and financial compliance.
Throughout her career, she had the opportunity to work with multiple nationalities in North America, Latin America, Asia, Europe Middle East and Afrika. She is an advocate of sustainable development, diversity and inclusion. She also contributed, as a member of the financial Committee, to the Swiss Federation Latitude 21, which supports projects of cooperation and development in Africa.
wiLearn 4 Life
Zürcherstr. 36
8426 Lufingen
Raiffeisenbank Zürich Airport
CHF  IBAN CH86 8080 8007 3148 8786 6
USD  IBAN CH26 8080 8002 1528 6662 1
SWIFT-BIC: RAIFCH22E74 | BC-Nr. 81474

© Copyright 2018 wiLearn 4 Life is a registred charity in Switzerland - all rights reserved
Phone-Whatsapp: +41 76 215 09 63
Email: | Skype: rodiwv
PC-Konto 84-3431-5

Donations made for wiLearn 4 Life are tax deductable in Switzerland (Tax Office Canton ZH, Order Nr. 19/10540)

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